Postpartum Depression Quiz

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Becoming a new mother is often painted as a completely blissful situation in which every woman immediately adapts to having a baby and doesn’t experience any challenging emotions. The reality is that many women develop postpartum depression and either don’t know they have it or are afraid to ask for help. If you know something isn’t right, take our postpartum depression quiz and see if you may need help. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson offers a highly effective program that helps women overcome postpartum depression and feel like themselves again.

What is Postpartum Depression? 

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that affects women within a few weeks after they give birth. It is a mental health disorder and can happen to any woman regardless of her age or if she experienced it previously after having other children. Some people mistake this disease for being “the baby blues” and assume it will self-correct. Some mothers tend to blame themselves for developing it but feel guilty or embarrassed to ask for help. If the symptoms go on for two weeks or longer, the woman should seek an assessment from her doctor to see if she has this condition. The physician should be trained to recognize postpartum depression and be able to offer recommendations for treatment. 

Signs & Symptoms of Postpartum Depression 

When a woman has developed postpartum depression, she exhibits certain signs and symptoms. It’s important she be aware of what they are, as well as those around her who can help identify the illness. Signs of postpartum depression include: 

  • Feeling depressed
  • Crying a lot
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Feeling tired much of the time
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Feeling unable to bond with the baby
  • Decreased or increased appetite
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating
  • Feeling guilty, ashamed, or inadequate
  • Unable to take an interest in the baby or other activities
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Thoughts of harming the baby 
  • Feeling suicidal 

Take Our Postpartum Depression Quiz 

If you are concerned that you or someone you love may have developed an illness beyond their control, take our postpartum depression quiz now. Answer “yes”, “sometimes”, or “no” to each question as it pertains to how you have felt since the baby arrived.

  1. I have trouble experiencing joy and feeling positive.
  2. I feel depressed or anxious a great deal of the time.
  3. I don’t feel able to adequately bond with my baby.
  4. I feel like I’m a bad mother and others are judging me.
  5. I eat too much or too little.
  6. I don’t get enough sleep or I sleep too much.
  7. I think about how much easier it was before the baby was born.
  8. I don’t see an end in sight for how bad I feel.
  9. I have thoughts about harming my child.
  10. I have suicidal thoughts or urges.

Assessing the Postpartum Depression Quiz 

If you answered “yes” to two or more questions from our postpartum depression quiz, you may have developed this serious mental health disorder. Talk to your doctor or a qualified therapist about your quiz results or call our admissions staff to discuss options for treatment. Remember, no one deserves to feel this way and you can beat this disease and feel better.

Woman overcoming postpartum depression at Montare Tucson

What To Do if You Think You May Have Postpartum Depression 

If your results of our postpartum depression quiz indicate you may have a problem, it’s important to seek treatment. A professional treatment program uses two basic approaches to help women overcome their postpartum depression. 

The first employs the use of several types of therapies. Depression responds well to both individual and group therapies designed to help people identify their emotions and change how they process their feelings. Both dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help in this process. In addition, holistic therapy offers multiple avenues for bringing the body, mind, and spirit back into healthy, positive alignment. 

The second tactic that helps when treating postpartum depression is the use of prescription medications. Often, these FDA-approved drugs only need to be taken on a short-term basis, although some people respond well to a longer-term approach.

Benefits of Treatment for Postpartum Depression 

When someone attends our program, they will receive care from people experienced at treating postpartum depression. Our doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and other mental health counselors know how to help women regain control over their lives and overcome the effects of this depressive disease.

Montare Tucson provides residential care which allows women to move temporarily into our facility while receiving focused care around the clock. This allows each person to get the intensive care they need while staying in a comfortable environment that feels like a home. Being among other people struggling with mental illnesses enables everyone to experience the benefits of peer support. 

Contact Montare Tucson in Arizona Today

Postpartum depression affects the lives of so many women who either don’t know they have a legitimate medical condition or they feel too embarrassed to ask for help. With the right program, new moms can learn to overcome their symptoms and enjoy improved mental health. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson created our postpartum depression quiz to help women understand if their lives have been impacted by this challenging disorder. If so, we can provide them with a highly effective treatment program that helps them recover.

No one deserves to live with untreated postpartum depression. Contact us now and let us help you get your life back.