When someone experiences trauma, it can impact their life for years. Whether it happened during childhood or recently, trauma changes how a person experiences life. EMDR therapy in Tucson, AZ can be the game-changer you need to put the trauma behind you. This non-invasive, painless type of therapy helps you reframe the way you remember the trauma. As a result, you experience fewer symptoms which can improve your overall mental health.
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What is EMDR Therapy in Tucson?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, known as EMDR for short, is a therapy that has become popular over the years. It’s primarily used to help people dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-based illnesses such as complex trauma. Research has shown it can also help with other mental health disorders and substance use disorders.
EMDR consists of sessions in which a trained therapist directs a person to use certain eye movements while discussing trauma they have experienced. The combination of recounting emotions and actions related to the trauma while in an EMDR session can help the person overcome their trauma and reduce or eliminate the symptoms it causes.
The therapist uses lights or directions while the person follows their instructions. The therapist may also use specific hand movements or tapping motions as part of the session. This highly-developed approach to healing trauma helps a person begin to reprocess the memories they have related to the traumatic events. As a result, they experience fewer negative symptoms, such as panic, depression, and flashbacks. The individual learns to replace old negative reactions and thoughts with positive ones.
EMDR therapy in Tucson takes place over several phases that must be done in order. The phases include:
- History taking and treatment planning
- Preparation
- Assessment
- Desensitization
- Installation
- Body scan
- Closure
- Reevaluation
What Does Our EMDR Therapy in Tucson, AZ Treat?
EMDR can be used to help people suffering from PTSD and other trauma-based illnesses. However, it’s ability to contribute to long-lasting healing extends beyond just this type of mental health disorder. EMDR also has been shown to help people who struggle with the following conditions and diagnoses:
- Depression
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Anxiety disorders
- Panic attacks
- Mood instability
- Difficulty processing emotions
- Grief and loss
- Substance use disorders
- Physical and sexual abuse
- Dissociative disorders
- Eating disorders
- Chronic pain
- Phobias
Our EMDR therapy in Tucson begins with a full assessment so that we identify any mental health disorders a person has. Additionally, we can assess a person for an addiction to drugs or alcohol. From there, we can construct a set of goals for providing EMDR to the individual. In effect, we can help people who have just one challenge to their mental or physical health. As well, we can offer impactful, long-lasting results for someone who deals with two or more health conditions.
What to Look for in an EMDR Therapy Program in Tucson, AZ
When someone wants to find EMDR therapy in Tucson, there are a couple of things they should look for. First, make sure the program employs experienced EMDR therapists. Only clinicians who have undergone extensive training in EMDR should provide this service. This type of therapy requires the knowledge that comes with training in order to be fully effective.
In addition to having a trained EMDR therapist, it’s important to attend a program that understands how to treat trauma in general. Whether it occurred long ago, recently, or is ongoing, healing trauma requires a skilled and compassionate approach. EMDR can be used in conjunction with other therapy modalities to treat trauma-based mental illnesses. Other types of therapy that prove beneficial in helping a person deal with trauma include individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. For some, adding in the use of prescription medications can help improve their mental health.
While outpatient programs can provide the assistance many people need, for some, this does not provide the focused care they need. In this case, a residential program offers a better fit for the person. Residential plans provide a comfortable, homelike setting for a person to move into for a period of time. Most plans require a person to live in the facility for 30 days but the stays can last longer. The length of time depends on the individual’s current mental and physical health and what they would like to accomplish during treatment.
Begin EMDR Therapy in Tucson, Arizona
Have you experienced trauma and never really felt like you have been able to move past it? No matter how long ago a traumatic event was, we can help you overcome it. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson offers practical, life-changing EMDR therapy in Tucson. Our therapists are trained to use this specialized therapy to help you overcome traumatic events that have held you back.
If you would like more information, visit our admissions page now. We can talk to you about how our program works and why it can change your life.