Why am I So Unmotivated Lately?

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Do you think up a list of things you want to accomplish and then find you can’t push yourself to tackle even the first item? When this happens, you may be left wondering, “Why am I so unmotivated?”. Having trouble feeling motivated can be a sign of several things. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson recognizes that a lack of motivation can be a sign of certain mental illnesses. However, it can usually be addressed through common sense approaches. We explore what keeps people from achieving their goals and how they can get motivated again. 

Why do I Suddenly Feel So Unmotivated? 

Man is wondering what might be causing him to feel so unmotivated When someone realizes their attitude has changed and they find themselves wondering why they have suddenly become so unmotivated, there are many answers that prove worth exploring. The first is depression. Not feeling motivated is a common symptom of depression. It’s often felt alongside lethargy and trouble focusing on conversations or tasks. A study done in 2019 showed that 19.4 million adults in the U.S. experienced one or more episodes of major depression that year. 

Another reason many people lack motivation is because they have become burned out. They may have an unreasonably busy schedule or have become tired of their routine. Ultimately, they need a respite from their daily responsibilities so they can relax and recharge. This also gives people time to consider what changes they can make to feel motivated again.

Sometimes when a person feels unmotivated to do anything, the reason can related to poor mental health symptoms. For example, someone with anxiety may fear having a panic attack when going out. As well, someone with ADHD may have a pattern of not being able to complete tasks and stop caring about even attempting them.

What Types of Treatment or Therapy Can Help With Motivation? 

Finding an answer to the question, “Why I am so unmotivated?can come from attending therapy sessions. For someone who has depression, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be quite effective. These therapy modalities help people identify their emotions and thought processes and learn to become more positive. 

Someone who becomes so burned out that it affects their ability to do what they need or want to do can benefit from seeing a therapist. Individual therapy creates an opportunity to take stock of their lives and see what may trigger a disinterest in being fully involved in life. Holistic therapy can also provide a way to work on healing a person in three areas at once. These areas include the mind, body, and spirit. When these three parts of a person align in positive ways, it often helps them begin to analyze their lives so that burnout stops being an issue.

Because a lack of motivation can signal an underlying mental health disorder, it’s important to look at options for therapy. If someone has experienced trauma, EMDR therapy can help them heal from past or current traumatic events. As well, attending group therapy can help build bonds with other people who share a similar mental health disorder and provide valuable peer support.

What Else Can I Do to Become Motivated Again? 

Knowing the answer to, “Why am I so unmotivated?” helps point a person in the direction of correcting the problem. Besides going to therapy, there are other ways to help feel naturally motivated again. First, take stock of the important goals in your life, such as family events, career, education, and favorite hobbies. Create a targeted list of what you want to accomplish and in what order. 

Next, ask yourself what distracts you from getting things done. For many people, a huge key to accomplishing things is to silence their phones and avoid the temptation to check social media or email for a block of time. In addition, choosing a quiet space and being alone can help a person keep up with their To-Do list.

Another important tip is to take breaks when needed. Too often, burnout happens when someone pushes themselves too hard or for too long. For short tasks, build in a break in which you get up and move around or take a few minutes to do breathing exercises to refocus your mind. For longer projects, make sure you plan for things like a day off. Even if you feel like you haven’t been terribly productive, stepping away from a project for a set amount of time can help you rediscover your motivation and accomplish more. 

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Have you asked yourself lately, “Why do I feel so unmotivated?”. If not feeling able to accomplish even basic tasks has compromised your quality of life, you may need the supportive treatment of a residential center. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson offers intensive care that helps minimize the symptoms of poor mental health. In turn, people rediscover their joy in participating fully in their favorite pastimes, daily activities, at work, or in school.

Visit our admissions page now to find out more about how our program works. We can talk about how to get you motivated and back in the game of life.