Types of OCD

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes a lot of distress and frustration for those who suffer from it. It can drastically impact their social lives, relationships with family and friends, and their ability to perform well at work or in school. The thoughts and behaviors feel uncontrollable and leave many people wondering if there is any professional help available. Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson created a highly effective treatment program that offers hope for people who struggle with several types of OCD. We provide multiple kinds of therapies that help minimize the symptoms of OCD. In addition, we offer access to medications that help ease how a person feels and better control their behaviors.

Girl learning about her types of OCD What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of mental health disorder that affects people in two ways. The first is obsessive thoughts that keep recurring without the person being able to stop them. The thoughts feel intrusive and repetitive and can initially confuse a person because they don’t know why they happen. The second way OCD manifests is through compulsive behaviors. A person feels they must engage in repetitive behaviors they cannot control. When they attempt to stop using the behaviors, they experience a great deal of stress and discord. 

Someone with OCD may not know they have a diagnosable mental illness. Even when they understand what is going on, they struggle with feeling abnormal and embarrassed. Attending professional treatment for the types of OCD that occur helps people minimize their symptoms and feel less anxiety. 

Types of OCD 

It’s commonly thought that only one type of OCD exists, but a person can have one of several types. This makes it important that the individual receives the correct diagnosis from a physician or mental health counselor qualified to recognize the different types of OCD. Some of the types of OCD include:

Contamination OCD 

Contamination OCD centers around a need to ensure cleanliness. The person typically fears contamination in all forms and uses behaviors to keep from being exposed to germs, dirt, bodily fluids, viruses, and more. A person with contamination OCD will repeat cleaning rituals far beyond necessity, including repetitively washing their hands, showering, and cleaning items within the home. They often fear others are contaminated and resist interacting with them. 

Checking OCD 

Someone with Checking OCD becomes trapped in a cycle of repetitively checking things even though they logically know they don’t need to do it. For example, someone may check to make sure their stove is turned off or a light is off multiple times because they are unable to stop doing it. They fear something bad will happen if they don’t check “just one more time”, but that often turns into checking over and over. 

Symmetry and Ordering OCD 

Symmetry and Ordering OCD causes a person to have a strong need for everything to be in order and symmetrical. For example, items on a desktop or in a kitchen cabinet must be arranged in a specific order. When things are not in the “right” place, it causes the person great anxiety. They often do things in exact order every time, such as putting on items of clothing or doing household chores.

Hoarding OCD 

Shows about people who hoard are popular, but having Hoarder OCD is a serious disorder. It causes the person to feel extreme anxiety about throwing away many things, including trash and other useless items. The person may buy or keep multiples of the same item and insist they need to keep them all. They fear the loss of the items and often check to make sure they still have them and chastise anyone who tries to clean up their living space. 

Intrusive Thoughts OCD 

Someone with intrusive thoughts OCD will experience thoughts that they cannot control and sometimes frighten them. Sometimes the thoughts are graphic or offensive and don’t represent how the person naturally feels or thinks. The individual often worries that they may act on some of these thoughts, such as committing a violent act. They feel ashamed of their thoughts and may fear the thoughts have the power to harm someone.

Just-Right OCD 

Someone with Just-Right OCD obsesses about trying to achieve perfection. For example, they may spend a great deal of time ensuring their fingernails are the exact same length. They also may feel they have to communicate in a way that feels just right. They obsess over every written or spoken word and sentence they use out of fear of not expressing themselves perfectly. 

Counting and Numbers OCD 

Counting and Numbers OCD causes a person to engage in counting rituals they cannot control. They may count the exact number of steps they take from one room or location to another or count repetitively to the same number. The individual may also assign a feeling of safety to a certain number or complete actions in a specific set of numbers. This can include turning a light switch on or off a certain number of times every time or moving something an odd or even number of times.

Sexual or Religious OCD 

Sexual or Religious OCD has to do with intrusive thoughts and can be quite scary to the individual who has it. They often have thoughts that come into their heads involving sexual scenarios and desires that they would not normally act on. In addition, they may have thoughts that question or are critical of their own religion or that of others. The person often feels guilty and blasphemous for thoughts they cannot control. 

Somatic OCD 

Someone with Somatic OCD focuses on bodily functions and worries if they are doing them correctly or counts how many times they do them. This can include breathing, blinking, chewing food, and other physical actions or sensations.

Contact Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson About Our Treatment Options

Do you have OCD or know someone who does and want to enter a treatment program that makes a real difference? Montare Behavioral Health of Tucson employs a staff of highly experienced mental health experts who understand the intricacies of obsessive-compulsive disorders. We help you understand your illness and develop skills to aid in minimizing your symptoms. Regardless of what type of OCD you have, we can help you reduce your symptoms.

It’s easy to find out more information about how we treat OCD. Visit our admissions page now and let one of our staff members help you get the answers you need.