We’ve all been around someone who engages in attention-seeking behavior, but is it more than just an annoying habit? Can it instead be a sign that a person struggles with a mental health disorder, and this is one of the symptoms?
Someone who constantly acts in attention-seeking ways may need to be assessed by a mental health counselor to see if they have a mental illness that needs treatment. Montare Tucson understands the intricacies of how poor mental health impacts a person’s behavior. We provide a thorough and effective residential treatment program that gives people a safe place to live while working on improving their mental health. With our help, people can retire their need to have the spotlight on them and instead deal with the issues supporting their behaviors.
Everyone enjoys being the center of attention from time to time, but sometimes a person habitually uses attention-seeking behavior to the point it’s a sign of a bigger problem. For example, someone engaging in attention-seeking behavior regularly will constantly make themselves the star of every story. They will interrupt others who are talking in an attempt to turn the attention to themselves. They want the spotlight on themselves at all costs to others and end up alienating those around them.
Constant attention-seeking behavior can result from a person suffering from low self-esteem, insecurity, and doubts about their worth compared to others. It can also be a symptom of a mental health disorder that needs professional treatment.
Attention-seeking behavior can be subtle or obvious in how the person acts. Sometimes it is bragging and attempting to hog the spotlight, while other times it can seem passive-aggressive in an attempt to insult another person. Most people engage in several types of attention-seeking behavior.
Common ways people exhibit attention-seeking behavior include the following symptoms:
People who regularly use attention-seeking behaviors often have low self-esteem and try to make themselves feel better through the use of those behaviors. However, this can be hard to reconcile because the person constantly brags about themselves, and others don’t make the connection that the individual actually does not feel like they are as good as others.
Attention-seeking behavior can also be a result of a person having suffered from childhood abuse, neglect, or a traumatic event. Children who do not receive positive feedback and a sense of being important and loved can grow up to seek that attention from others. Additionally, attention-seeking behavior can also be a symptom of a mental health disorder that will respond well to treatment.
Attention-seeking behavior can be a symptom of a mental health disorder. This makes it important for a person to receive an assessment from a mental health professional. An evaluation can help determine if they have a diagnosable mental illness.
Mental health disorders that can include attention-seeking behavior include:
When a child exhibits attention-seeking behavior, it often includes screaming, yelling, and hyperactivity. Additionally, they may also disobey rules and ignore instructions from caregivers and teachers. Adults use behaviors less basic and more calculated. While children with these behaviors may baffle and run off their peer groups, adults have a wider audience. For example, they interact with co-workers, college students and faculty, and friends in social situations. As a result, their behavior is more strategic, making it more difficult for those subjected to it to simply walk away and avoid them.
Someone whose behavior is designed to get attention should start by talking to a mental health professional. The clinician will conduct an assessment to see if they have a mental illness. If so, they can agree on a treatment plan designed to help minimize their behaviors. This can include going to a residential treatment or an outpatient care program. The individual will attend different types of therapy that help them understand the need to act out and how to disarm it.
Do you know someone who constantly engages in attention-seeking behavior and doesn’t understand it can be a sign that they need help? Montare Tucson created a world-class treatment program that gives people access to a structured and varied menu of effective therapies. With the assistance of our skilled and licensed therapists, someone who always seeks attention can begin to understand their motives and minimize their need to do it.
Contact us today to find out how we can help make a difference in the life of someone struggling with poor mental health. Our friendly admissions staff can answer your questions and show you how our program works.
Published: 3/13/2025
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